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Project Partners
Involve Toolkit
Involve Toolkit EN
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Online Course
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Involve Good Practice Guidebook EN
Involve Good Practice Guidebook FR
Involve Good Practice Guidebook GR
Module 2: Understanding Design practices
Module 2: Understanding Design practices
Module 2 Quiz
1. True or False: When designing a visual it is not important to take into account that different colours can affect people.
2. What is Typography?
Typography is the art of arranging type to make written language legible, readable, and appealing. It is an essential part of graphic design, and using it effectively can enhance the overall aesthetic appeal and legibility of your design.
Typography is a form of calligraphy performed exclusively with the toes instead of the hands.
Typography is the art of arranging pineapples in a visually pleasing manner for fruit displays.
Typography is a style of writing with invisible ink that can only be seen under ultraviolet light.
3. What are the 5 W’s and H and why are they important to designers?
The 5 Ws and H in graphic design stand for Why, Which, Whom, Whimsy, Wavy, and How, and they are important to designers because they guide the use of vibrant colours and playful shapes in their artwork.
The 5 Ws and H in graphic design refer to Who, What, When, Where, Why, and Howl, and they are important to designers because they allow them to tap into the mysterious and captivating aspects of design, creating enigmatic and intriguing visual experiences.
The 5 Ws and H in graphic design represent Which, Whimsy, Whitespace, Width, Weight, and Harmony, and they are important to designers because they dictate the balance and visual flow of design elements on a page.
4. Why is it important to be aware of cultural changes and sensitivities when considering design?
Being aware of cultural changes and sensitivities in design is unimportant because design should be purely subjective and not influenced by external factors.
It is unnecessary to consider cultural changes and sensitivities in design because the purpose of design is solely to serve aesthetic preferences, regardless of cultural contexts.
Being aware of cultural changes in design means understanding how cultural values, beliefs, and behaviours can influence the way people perceive and interact with design.
Cultural changes and sensitivities have no impact on design, as design is a universal language that transcends cultural boundaries.
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Module 1: What Is Visual Literacy And Why Is It Important For Your Business?
Module 2: Understanding Design practices
Module 3: Boost Your Marketing with Visual Literacy
Module 4: Look Good Sell Well (How To Attract Customers With Visual Literacy)
Module 5: Power To The Point- How To Create Business Presentations That Excite And Engage
Course Modules
Module 1: What Is Visual Literacy And Why Is It Important For Your Business?
Module 2: Understanding Design Practices
Module 3: Boost Your Marketing with Visual Literacy
Module 4: Look Good Sell Well (How To Attract Customers With Visual Literacy)
Module 5: Power To The Point- How To Create Business Presentations That Excite And Engage
Exercises and Activities
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